Chuck Swindoll discusses the thrill of finding biblical clues to illuminate scriptural meaning. He points out how the Bible quotes itself often. Jesus even quoted the Old Testament to explain His own words. Chuck says the Bible forms a bridge between the Old and New Testaments.

This step in the Bible study process answers the question, How does it relate?  The Bible is one marvelously interconnected tapestry of truth and story. By correlating a passage of Scripture with other Bible passages, you deepen your understanding of its meaning and position yourself to make solid and life-changing applications.

Follow the Thread

Every word in the Bible is chosen for a reason, so we must ponder over each one. And we learn much from noticing all mentions of a person throughout Scripture to learn their full journey.

Find the Clues Throughout

Rhome points out how the Bible quotes itself often. Jesus Himself quoted the Old Testament to explain His words. Chuck says the Bible forms a bridge to carry us from the old words to the new.

Find helpful insight on comparing Scriptures

Next: Application

You're almost there! Explore the final step of the Searching the Scriptures process where we answer the question, How does it apply?